Alright, FINALLY went to the doc for Scarlett's appointment.
Weight: 16 lbs ----> 50th percentile
Length: 26 inches --> 50th percentile
Head Circ: 17 inches --> 75th percentile
We got a referral to the dermatologist!!! Scarlett's rash has gotten out of hand and is now covering most of her face and her whole scalp. Luckily it isn't constantly inflamed, but when it is, its absolutely horrible. It's itchy and splotchy, and rougher and bright red. It has all the classic symptoms of Eczema we just need to know how to control it (no healing cure, unfortunately). There is like a 90% chance she will grow out of it, which we're hoping for...but now we're just hoping for a cream or something to at least stabilize it. Poor thing's ear was bleeding earlier today because of how dry the area gets. :( My heart breaks for her especially when she gets into her itchy episodes and scratches it so it bleeds. I do my best to stop her when I see it but with Oliver running around, its hard.
She's still relatively dainty. She's between size 3 months and 6 months.
She is a solids champ. We're getting ready to introduce finger foods soon.
She still loves being worn and being wrapped. She loves human touch.
She has such a positive attitude. She laughed her way through 3 shots and an oral vaccine today. The doctor and MA was amazed by how happy she was the whole time. Nothing brings her down.
She is very emotionally observing. Like most females she is all about eye contact, she loves watching people have conversations and even adds her own goos and gaaas. She's just 'in tune' with people. Very different than Oliver ever was...can't say it's completely a gender thing but its similar.
Teething is still in full swing. I think the worst is over for this particular tooth. It has yet to cut, but most of the uncomfortable moving through the gums has passed. It's literally almost poking through.
About a week ago she managed to hoist herself on her knees while on her tummy. Her doc even said by the looks of her physical prowess, she will be an early walker. IF she crawls at 7 months as Oliver did, I'll believe that...she's keeping close with Oliver's milestones but she is a tad bit behind...we'll seeeeee!
And just as a reference, Oliver, at 6 months, was:
18 lbs 4 ozs
27 inches
She is still sticking 2 lbs behind...