
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Some Things About Ollie

I just realized that Oliver is not even 2 and a half. He feels so much older to me, perhaps because he's a big brother? I don't really know. He's still (and always will be) my baby! So here's a few things about my 28 month old!

1. Oliver is speaking in almost complete sentences. The things he says crack me and George up! It's so hard to stay mad at the kid when he says things like, "Kiss my butt, momma!" What? Hahaha. Or when he makes his grumpy face and says "That's not funny momma!"

2. Oliver is very hard headed. When he wants something he REALLY wants it. If he doesn't want something you'll know about it and he will NOT do it. I want to believe it is just part of the terrible twos but I am realizing that this is his personality. He has always been this way and he is not flexible! Hopefully the flexibility will come and his hardheadedness will transcend to a passion of his instead to everything. Haha. For example, if we are only 20 minutes into soccer practice and he wants to go home, it is impossible to change his mind. We have tried with much optimism every time just to see that he will always get his way. We don't just give in because I do feel kids need to experience a little discomfort to grow into well rounded people but there's only so much 'forcing' I can do without going crazy and Oliver ending up in tears. As a parent you have to pick your battles!

3. Oliver loves to build things. His leggos are a favorite, as are blocks. He is also into puzzles and counting. In the last few weeks he has truly taken the world in around him and made a lot of realizations. Things like construction zones he now knows everything about as opposed to just kind of knowing a dump truck or a digger. It's the full picture he understands. I feel like I can have a better conversation with him because of this. When he builds, he builds concrete things instead of a generic tower. And as he builds he counts the pieces of blocks, leggos, etc. Very cool to watch him sprout intellectually! Even reading to him has become more fun because he comes up with his own conclusions before I read the whole book. He is usually pretty spot on about what he deduces. Super cool for me to be able to interect this way with my son.

5. When Ollie gets hurt or needs protection from Daddy's tickles he always runs to his Mommy! Best feeling in the world. I love knowing the he knows I am his protector no matter what!

6. He loves to help with his sissy. I don't even have to ask and he will get her toys, pick her up, laugh with her. I love the bond these two already have. She loves him so much and smiles and laughs whenever he's around. He always tells me, "Baby laughing at me!" with a huge grin on his face! He is still very much protective of her!

7. He's a genius. The end! (What do you expect? I'm his mom.)
With his remote control car.

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