
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chunky Monkey

She was such an itty-bitty, little baby until this last week! Look at those cheeks, she's really plumped up! Since about last Sunday all she does is eat and sleep and eat and eat. She's been eating 4-5 ozs every 2 hours as opposed to 3.5 - 4 ozs every 3-4 hours. I try to get her to wait 3 hours between feedings but a lot of the time she can't make it. But around 3 months they go through a growth spurt so I'm attributing this to that. BY THE WAY...uh, 3 months already? Are you kidding me? Wasn't I JUST pregnant. There is no time to savor the moments after your first. Time flies and they grow!!! I'm trying to enjoy every moment before I wake up and she's 16!

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