
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bow Maker in the Making..?

Like after working full time, taking care of my kids, and considering FINALLY, maybe applying for my Masters, I have time to make stuff...haha...but alas no chaos in life is bad in Izabella Land.

So since George and I took turns being sick and feverish this weekend I was unable to pick up the supplies I needed to start my little operation. Out of sheer boredom once the kids went down, I went ghetto rogue.

Some left over ribbon, string, and a pair of scissors made this:

Just imagine a button or decorative accent in the middle and I've made a ribbon flower that I will eventually attach to a head band for Scarlett! Yup. I'm telling you, I can't sit around with nothing to do...

I've also got cloth flowers in the line up and singed organza/chiffon flowers. Some of this actually needs a NEEDLE and THREAD. As in I'm going to SEW. Yeah, me. I'm just as baffled as you are.

Also next weekend is tutu experimentation. :]]]

I'm so excited. I never realized how graduating from college and being without homework would make me crazy. :] A good crazy?

1 comment:

  1. I L.O.V.E. the ladybugs! It's my sorority's mascot, and if I ever have a daughter, that's probably the only thing she'll wear.
