
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Forced Potty Training

Oliver was a piece of cake to potty train. I introduced him to the potty around 18 months. He say him on it before bath time ever night but didn't expect anything. This was all just to make the idea less scary and more real.

A few times over the months he asked to use it, and did successfully. It was awesome but I was waiting for Scarlett to be born, THEN I waited until Oliver was over the shock of a new baby in the house.

One Saturday morning I decided no more diapers. I hid the remaining pack, but underwear on him and stayed in the whole weekend working on training. That first day he successfully pooped and peed in the potty, all while I blogged about the experience.  After that weekend he only wore Pull Ups for night time but otherwise he was trained. Accidents did happen, but that's normal. Overall I was ecstatic about how easily I had it when boys were supposed to be so hard.

Fast forward to Scarlett. She began getting interested in the potty all on her own close to her 1st birthday. She constantly wants to keep up with her brother so he takes note of everything he does. Of course I didn't mind because I thought it would be great for her get comfortable with little effort on my part. Oliver also took the liberty of explaining how the potty worked, bonus points for him, even less work for me!

Around 15 months she tried actually using the potty. I was against it because I was super pregnant and was too tired. Plus I knew the possibility of regression was very real with the baby due soon. I vowed that I would begin after the baby was born, early in the summer....

3 kids proved to be quite difficult to handle and the thought of potty training on top of it all was repulsive. This whole time she pushed the potty on me. Pulling off her diaper, sitting on the potty, etc. She forced me to have to keep up with her!! I finally decided that I would pick a weekend and attempt the same I had with Oliver...

Then yesterday happened...

We bought her some big girl undies several weeks ago to try out from time to time to get used the idea. So she  woke up the in the morning, stripped the new diaper I had put on her off and used the potty. I was very proud of her but didn't take anything seriously. I put a new diaper on her and almost immediately she ran to the bathroom yelling "Pee!" "Pee!". By this time she prefers the on the potty potty seat as opposed to a little potty on the ground. I put her on it and she pooped. I was amazed that she knew her body so well. I let her hang out in her undies and she went to the bathroom successfully for quite some time. Eventually I had errands to run outside the home and forced her into a diaper.

Now this morning came around. Before I even had a chance to change her out of her Pull Ups (Oh yeah, we bought those in preparation for potty training but she insists on using them already) she yelled "Pee!" and rain to the bathroom.

A poop and a pee! Wow...

I thought, okay lets just try the undies and when she has an accident I'll switch her to a diaper. I figured an accident was sure to happen, I mean I don't have time to check in with her at regular intervals and take her to sit on the potty. I've got a crazy 3 year old and a hungry, teething 3 month old!! No need to worry.

She had 0 accidents. Scarlett ended up wearing the SAME undies ALL day! She told me when she needed to go and went. Wow is all I can say. I can't even begin to formulate the words. She is a fabulous passive potty-er!!

Its too soon to say anything. It could just be a fluke, but tomorrow I'm putting her in undies again. I'm excited! 2 kids OUT of diapers is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than 2 IN diapers!!

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