
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tooth # 9

This has been a TERRIBLE one.

Two weeks ago he was exhibiting his usual teething signs. For a week straight he was just suffering with excessive drool, diarrhea, slight fever, swollen gums, etc, etc! Then, poof, it just stopped. I thought that was unusual for Ollie but hey, what did I spot today?

Part of his molar is sticking out. There's a HUGE white spot in the shape of the rest of the tooth and I'm praying it comes out with minimal pain!

It's unfortunate that the tooth had to coincide with the beginning of day care. The Director told us to look out for runny noses and such for at least the first 2 weeks while he builds up immunity. He started with lots of boogers and a wavery voice. Then last night he woke up every half hour. I'm not joking when I say EVERY half hour! I did not look forward to working an 8 hour shift this a.m. His teacher said he was a lot more whiny today and his forehead was hot hot hot.

Now it all makes sense! he's not super sick. He's just got a runny nose and a molar coming in. That combo is easy to handle. THANK GOODNESS!

Being a Mommy or Daddy is essentially being an expert diagnostician.
You can call me Dr. House, THANKS!

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