
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Where's Your Tongue?

I made sure this video was SHORT. I realized all my videos are just too big to post here which is depressing since we have so many cute ones! I have Windows Movie Maker but I just haven't had the time to reduce the size of all the videos I want to post. Hence you all never see videos! I made sure to have the camera ready to take a short short video, praying it would be able to upload!

Oliver learned where his tongue is! He was really fascinated by the baby swinging next to him, so you won't get any eye contact but he'll respond to commands!

We're now working on learning his lip and hands and fingers. He's such an independent little guy you just have to feel out what he's most interested in at the moment and jump at the occasion to teach. He was obsessed with trying to get his hands in my mouth for a couple days to grab my tongue before he realized he had one too. That's when I started to grabbing his and mine and telling him 'TONGUE'!

On that note, that's how he learned how the light switch works. Recently I was holding him while making his bottle [he loves to observe!] and he looked up and tried to grab the light fixture. I let him touch it a little bit so he could explore something new. Then I walked over to the switch and started to push it up and down. Oliver was fascinated with the lights going on and off! He has a giant light switch on his huge barn toy that actually lights up and I showed him the big light in the kitchen and the small light on the barn. He couldn't get enough!

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