
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

12 Month Stats

We just got back from the pedi and Oliver has grown quite a bit!

Weight - 22lbs 10 oz - 47th percentile
Height - 31.25 in - 89th percentile
Head Circ. - 47cm - 68th percentile

He weighs quite a bit less than I expected and he's a lot longer as well. But as you can see by the percentiles, he's not HUGE. [Which I always think he is since everyone comments on what a big boy I have for his age.]

Shots were a breeze. Though he did cry after the second shot since there was only one nurse this time and three shots to give. But after a few seconds he looked at me and started smiling. Thank goodness.

I'm also glad to find out that around this time babies his age don't eat as much! About a week and a half ago Oliver just stopped drinking his formula. He'd take an ounce here, three ounces there. I was worried but his temperment was good as ever so I didn't really mind. Good news bears though - totally normal!

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