
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So Different

One of the most anticipated things throughout this last pregnancy for me was finding out how different my kids would be.

I always hear from friends how surprised they are at how different their kid's personalities are, and I could not wait to meet Scarlett so I too could get to experience this! I have to say now that I have 2 kids, they are so remarkably different already, even though Scarlett's only been around less than a month.

- Scarlett LOVES being worn. I've used the Baby Bjorn more in the last 3 and a half weeks then I did with Oliver at all. He HATED being contained. The few times we were able to get him to not cry in it, it was a count down to when the tears would begin.

- Scarlett is such a cuddle bug. She loves being held and sleeping in our bed. Oliver was very independent from the get go and though he did like cuddling, it was always short lived. I am not thrilled with this new found co-sleeping. I do not want it to become a trend, but I am desperate for sleep and George is not home during the night to take turns with me!

- Scarlett isn't very fussy. She fusses when she's hungry, poopy or lonely. Oliver had colic. 'Nuff said...

- Scarlett isn't as good of a sleeper as Oliver was at her age. I have no complaints because I think she is a terrific sleeper, Oliver got it down faster and slept for longer periods. Crossing my fingers that she gets on that bandwagon here soon...

- Breast milk poops ROCK. Oliver was never exclusively breastfed so we dealt with the formula poops from the beginning. They weren't as bad when we were just supplementing at the beginning..but yeah...stinky. Scarlett has been exclusively breast milk fed and her poop is awesome.

- On the poop note, I have been sprayed with poop more with Scarlett than with Oliver. I cannot decide if it's the female vs male anatomy, the formula vs breast milk or something else that is the reason, but yeah, our carpet, bed sheets and my pants have suffered the wrath of newborn poop spray right from the source.

I look forward to Scarlett growing and developing so I can see how alike or different she is from Oliver. The only thing I really want is for them to get along and love each other!

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