
Thursday, May 27, 2010


That's the new word that Oliver says ALL the time. When I pick him up from daycare he stops at every parked car on the way to ours, points at it/touches it and says caaaa-ah. He'll point out of the window at home and randomly start shouting it at the parked cars
He has a few books on trucks and cars and it doesn't matter what it it, if it has four wheels and resembles a car he points to the window[where the cars are] and says caaaa-ah. It's so cute. But proof that he's learning so much!!

I love how interactive he is with books, since we're on the topic of speech. He recognizes so many things that he can say. If you're not either myself or George it all sounds the same, but there's a difference between 'ball', 'blocks','car', etc. And things he can't say he can point out. Anytime he sees shoes in a book he points to his feet. I love it. He's learning so much!!!!

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