Super Mom
This term is one I just don't know how I feel about. I never feel flattered when someone refers to me as one. I think I should feel flattered. I should smile and say thank you. I should be proud that people are noticing how much I do.
But I don't. I do always say thank you, though.
Maybe I don't like compliments? Okay, that's not true! But, I do think I don't like it because too many people self label themselves. Really moms? This overuse reminds me of the ever mentioned "I love you". 'Yeah, I just met you at the bus stop 5 minutes ago but we had a really great talk and I just absolutely love you!!' No, you don't love them, you just really like them. Anyway... Maybe its just me, but I feel as though every one's life situation is so different that we all deserve the title.
I recently had a conversation with another working mom who was showering me with compliments about how amazing I am and how she always wants to complain but thinks of me and feels bad about even considering whining. Yes, that is kind of a cool notion. But I couldn't help but sense the feeling of almost-failure in her voice. She kept telling me that she just has one baby and works full time and doesn't have the energy for anything else. I, apparently, am amazing because I have more and do more. I'm super mom.... There's that term again.
I just couldn't take it. I couldn't take someone putting themselves down because they weren't this "super mom" person. I told her that she was a strong and amazing woman and to never compare herself with me or anybody else. Yes, I do a lot. I work 40+ hour a week, go to Grad School, have 2 kids, and still manage to pay bills and clean up (very minimally...thank goodness for George). But by swinging this term around, it makes some moms feel like they are not good enough; not up to par with others.
Like I mentioned, we all have different circumstances, different lifestyles, and different views on how to raise our children. I am not better than you, as isn't the girl on Facebook self appreciating about how hard her life is and how much more amazing she is than anyone else. (Really, you think you're the only one who's taken a kid to the grocery store...uh that doesn't make you super mom. That just makes you a mom doing the groceries.)
So before you ever compare yourself to others and minimize your own efforts as a human being, remember what you DO do and make sure you realize that it is just as deserving of a great title. Whether that me SUPER mom or just plain old AMAZING mom.
I prefer just being MOMMY. These two are the only ones who are allowed to judge me on what kind of mom I am. Take my advice and check out your kids. If they're fed, rested, and happy...then you are doing everything perfectly.
Your ever busy "super" mom, Izabella.