
Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa Picture 2010

We talked up Santa for a few days before we got this picture taken. We went to Southcenter at the beginning of December to see Santa too, but just see him, not take pictures. I was hoping that if we prepped Oliver he would not throw a tantrum. Um...can I say wishful thinking?

The next day we got the kids dressed up and went to see Santa again. Oliver was really excited. As we stood in line he pointed toward Santa and was really happy when we told him he would be giving him presents. He was completely fine until the moment that I let go of him on Santa's lap. He started screaming and kicking [he kicked off his shoes]! There was no stopping him until the moment Daddy picked him back up. Once George grabbed him he was perfectly fine. He took a candy cane from the basket and waved bye to Santa like nothing had happened.

I have to give the Santa credit, he had an action plan from the beginning. He told us to hand over Scarlett first since she wasn't gonna go anywhere, then he told us that we were going to set Ollie down, he was going to grab him and we needed to run to the side so they could take pictures quick! He was so calm about it...he was DEFINITELY a professional Santa. :]

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